We’re working to improve health and tackle inequalities by pioneering new ways of involving local people in decision-making and supporting them to lead change in their own communities.

Our journey so far

Over the past year, our Healthy Communities Team has engaged over 4,000 residents across the borough, helping local people to:

  • Build and share knowledge about health
  • Take greater control over their health and wellbeing
  • Strengthen community voice
  • Explore what can improve health and wellbeing in Redbridge

Through listening to local people, we’ve gained valuable insight into the things that matter most and support good health and wellbeing for communities facing inequity in the borough. You can read more about our work so far and what we’ve learned here.

What’s next?

Over the next year, we'll be working alongside local people from the Loxford and Roma communities to build on their strengths and take action for improved health and wellbeing. We will do this by supporting the creation of a monthly community network, bringing local people together to:

  • Develop cross-cultural relationships
  • Consider the future they want for themselves and their communities
  • Talk about shared issues and priorities, share ideas and collectively problem-solve
  • Take practical action towards realising the future they want to see

Through this network, we will share information about local services, groups, and activities, and offer training and support for local people to develop the confidence and skills to take action on the things that matter most to them.

Interested in joining the Loxford Community Network?

Get in touch.

Join us on our journey

We’re working to facilitate stronger connections between local people and organisations such as the NHS, charities and community groups, creating spaces to work together to develop health creating initiatives.

Are you passionate about improving community health and wellbeing in Loxford? We welcome your involvement in our work.

Contact us

Health and wellbeing resources

Find out more about our other health improvement initiatives, such as our TB Awareness Project and other useful health and wellbeing resources here.

Health information