What is Community Action Redbridge Social Prescribing?

We understand that your ability to make positive choices and take control of your life can be impacted by all sorts of things, both within and outside of yours and your family’s control.

Social Prescribing Advisors will help you make sense of all the things going on in your life, help you think about the steps you need or want to take to improve your health and wellbeing and be as independent as possible.

Could you benefit from support to get through a challenging period of your life?

Our Social Prescribing Advisors:

  • Take time to get to know you and your situation, working to build trusting relationships
  • Invest enough time in understanding what a good life looks like to you or your family, and how you could get there
  • Meet you in local places so they are accessible, approachable and flexible
  • See you as the expert of your own life; they will not try and tell you what to do or 'fix' you
  • Help you find local support from your community where possible
  • Support you when dealing with different services.

Who’s it for?

You need to be over 18 to refer yourself or someone else. Although we can’t accept referrals for under 18s we do work with young people as part of our whole family approach.

Social prescribing works particularly well for people who:

  • Have one or more long-term health conditions
  • Need support with low-level mental health issues
  • Are lonely or isolated
  • Are a carer
  • Have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.

How do I get support from a Social Prescribing Advisor?


Connecting with one of our social prescribing advisors starts with a conversation between you and us about what support you may need. Simply complete the referral form below and we'll get back to you within 3 weeks of receiving your request. You'll notice that we ask a few questions seeking your consent about the various ways we will work with you; this is to ensure our approach is as effective and safe as possible. If you have any concerns about these questions, please give us a call on: 0208 553 1004.

Self-refer here

GP Referral

Or you can talk to your GP they’ll be able to give you more information and make a referral on your behalf.


For more details about this project, please contact Naina Thaker, Social Prescribing Coordinator, via phone 0208 553 1004 or email at 

Information for GPs, Link Workers and Organisations

If you wish to make a referral on behalf of someone who uses your services, please complete this form.